
《創兽》 for ANIKO press

在 Grammarian Supreme 中,一種相容所有數位出版文本編輯器的演算法,上傳了一項新策略。它对思想施加了较低的速度限制,对词汇扩展施加了较高的速度限制,这样先锋词匠的亚文化就不会领先于理事会的监管者太远。使得詞典能夠恢復跨群體交流嘅功能,因此呢啲詞典被印刷並派畀《郊區》登記冊上列出嘅每個家庭思想家。


In Grammarian Supreme, now an algorithm compliant with all text editor for digital publishing, a new policy was uploaded. It imposed a lower speed limit on thought and an upper one on vocabulary expansion so that subcultures of pioneering wordsmiths would not get too far ahead of regulators of the Council. This allowed dictionaries to resume functioning for cross-group communications, so these were printed and distributed to every household thinker listed on the registry in The Suburbs.

Emerita linguists who believe in stable atomic homes for conceptual transference aside, I turn to B and start toward far and near easts.

*100-word nano-fiction Google-translated on prompt by ANIKO Press, barely edited, 我抱歉? 欢迎订制约稿

《創兽》 for ANIKO press

在 Grammarian Supreme 中,一種相容所有數位出版文本編輯器的演算法,上傳了一項新策略。它对思想施加了较低的速度限制,对词汇扩展施加了较高的速度限制,这样先锋词匠的亚文化就不会领先于理事会的监管者太远。使得詞典能夠恢復跨群體交流嘅功能,因此呢啲詞典被印刷並派畀《郊...